
How To Get Level 5 Filter The Division

we did it yesterday your wellness volition bleed slowly so u tin can employ medic to impale the cleaners later on killing all cleaners the threat of level 5 contamination is gone

I stand to be corrected, but I don't think in that location is a lvl five filter. I think the signal of the contamination events is to manage your health while your down there.

there is none, general idea is eiser you lot kill them and lvl five is gone, or yous become out of there

i tried yesterday likewise, but my filter drain vary fast and when information technology ends i dice instantly

Originally posted past PhellAsleep:

Originally posted by bl4ck_s3a:

i tried yesterday too, simply my filter drain vary fast and when information technology ends i die instantly

You went downwardly the wrong archway. That'due south ane of the issues with the new result; big zone, minor group of enemies. Yous enter from the incorrect ladder/door/rope and instant decease.

Owwww! kkkkkk Cheers!

Some misinformation in hither it seems...

During the contamination event, there is a period afterwards information technology starts where your filter will drain extremely fast before yous die. At that place will exist a timer indicating how long before it drops to a safer level. Once it lowers, it volition be contagion level 5, which will crusade a slow but steady health drain while in the expanse. Yous'll demand to use healing skills/items to stay live during this, while as well killing the Cleaner NPCs to clear the area. Y'all'll have around 10-fifteen minutes or so to clear the various contamination areas throughout the Dark Zone. One time they are cleared or the timer runs out, they all render to normal.

Originally posted by «Reaper»:

Some misinformation in here it seems...

During the contamination event, in that location is a menstruation after it starts where your filter will drain extremely fast before you die. There will be a timer indicating how long before it drops to a safer level. One time it lowers, information technology will be contamination level 5, which will crusade a tiresome merely steady health drain while in the surface area. You'll need to utilize healing skills/items to stay alive during this, while too killing the Cleaner NPCs to clear the surface area. You lot'll have around x-15 minutes or so to clear the various contamination areas throughout the Dark Zone. One time they are cleared or the timer runs out, they all return to normal.

Oh thanks for that information. Clarifies the event quite a bit.

Originally posted by «Reaper»:

Some misinformation in hither information technology seems...

During the contagion result, at that place is a flow later on it starts where your filter will drain extremely fast before you lot die. There will be a timer indicating how long earlier information technology drops to a safer level. Once information technology lowers, it will be contagion level v, which will cause a tedious merely steady health drain while in the area. You'll need to utilize healing skills/items to stay live during this, while also killing the Cleaner NPCs to clear the area. You'll have around 10-15 minutes or so to clear the diverse contamination areas throughout the Dark Zone. In one case they are cleared or the timer runs out, they all return to normal.

Cheers homo!

How To Get Level 5 Filter The Division,


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