
Summer Is Just Around The Corner And It's Time To Learn About Summer Gardening

A Perfect Garden Checklist

With Spring here and summer just around the corner, it's time to get that garden planned out and planted.

There is nothing like growing and harvesting your own produce. Vegetables seem to taste better when they are picked and prepared fresh from your garden.

A Perfect Garden Checklist
A Perfect Garden Checklist

Fresh vegetables from your garden contain more of the nutrients that are often lost in food storage and from being transported to the grocery store. Plus, you will know exactly what you are eating when you plant, grow, and harvest your own vegetables.

With just a small investment in seeds and plants, you can feed your family with healthy food from your garden. Planting a garden can possibly save you hundreds of dollars at the grocery store. I know it has saved me a lot of money, especially with all of the fresh produce my family likes to eat.

So, roll up your sleeves, and let's get busy checking off everything we will need to do in order to have the perfect garden.

Check out this post on How to Plan a Garden for Beginners.

Plan Your Garden

Plan Your Garden-Decide what you are going to plant and where the location of your garden will be. Also, decide how big or small you want your garden this year. Remember, you can start small this year and make it bigger next year.

Choose a Location

Choose a Location–This is super important. A good location for your garden is a key element. Most plants require at least 6 hours of sunlight to survive. Find a garden area that gets good sunlight.

Till the Soil

Till the Soil–Till the garden soil and prepare the dirt for planting. Potting soil, compost, and manure will add good nutrients to the soil. Some gardeners choose to have their soil tested to gain information on what their soil is lacking. There are soil testing kits at your local feed and seed store. You might also find these online as well.

Mark Off the Rows in your Garden Area

This will give you a good idea of what you have room to plant. You may also take note of how many plants you will need, so you don't overbuy in seeds and plants. Also, think about how you will arrange your plants. Will you plant in rows? Will you stagger your plants? Will you plant in raised beds? Take all of these things into consideration before planting your garden.

Choose your Seeds and Plants for your Garden

Think about the produce your family eats. Plant those vegetables this year. There is no need to plant vegetables you don't eat. Also, if your family likes to eat squash 4 times a week and green beans once a month, plant more squash. Think about your plants and seeds before you go to the store. This will also keep you from overbuying.

Once you have your garden area prepared and ready, you are ready to plant!

Let's plant!

A Perfect Garden Checklist
A Perfect Garden Checklist

Seeds and Plants

Plant your seeds and plants. It's now time to get those babies in the ground. Check out this post on The Easiest Vegetables to Grow In Your Garden. Think about the vegetables you and your family will eat and plant accordingly.


Water your seeds and plants. Choose a location that has access to a water source. Watering your plants is not an option. Plants will need to be watered, especially if it does not rain often. Look for a place that is close to a water faucet or some type of watering source.

Thin Plants

Thin plants. If you planted seeds, you will probably need to thin some of the plants when they begin to come up. This will allow the plants more room to grow.

Get Those Weeds

Weeds- Chances are you are going to have weeds in your garden. I have never had a garden where weeds did not grow. They like the good soil, sun, and water also. So grab your tools and get those weeds out of there. They are not welcome in the garden.


Check for insects. Insects like tasty plants, too. Check for insects and get rid of them. There are insecticides available. Also, some homemade nontoxic options will work as well. **Tip–Diatomaceous Earth is a nontoxic way to control insects in the garden.

Apply Fertilizer

Apply fertilizer if needed. Check your soil sample and see if any additional soil amendments are needed in the garden area.


This is the best part of having a garden. Harvesting your vegetables is your reward for working hard in your garden. Now is the time to enjoy all of those fresh vegetables. You may decide to can or preserve them to enjoy later.

Starting and maintaining a garden takes some planning and a lot of work. You can do it! Start small if you are new to gardening and work up to a bigger garden the next year.

Follow this Garden Checklist to help you plan, produce, and have the best garden this year.

Subscribe to my e-mail and receive your FREE printable Garden Checklist and a 5-page Gardening Journal to help you plan and keep track of your garden this year.

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Summer Is Just Around The Corner And It's Time To Learn About Summer Gardening


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